Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact and its 10 principles

The Global Compact is a voluntary initiative, in which companies commit to align their strategies and operations with ten universally accepted principles in four thematic areas, as shown:

Human rights

Principle 1: Companies should support and respect the protection of universally recognized fundamental human rights, within their scope.

Principle 2: Companies should ensure that their companies are not involved in the violation of human rights

Labor Standards

Principle 3: Companies should support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective negotiation.

Principle 4: Companies should support the elimination of all forms of forced or coerced labor.

Principle 5: Companies should support the eradication of child labor.

Principle 6: Companies should support the abolition of discrimination in employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Companies should maintain a preventive approach that favors the environment.

Principle 8: Companies should encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.

Principle 9: Companies should promote the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10: Companies must work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

By its number of participants, 12,000 in more than 145 countries, the Global Compact is the largest corporate citizenship initiative in the world. The Compact is a framework of action aimed at building social legitimacy of corporations and markets.

BDO Castillo Miranda shares the conviction that business practices based on universal principles contribute to building a more stable, equitable and inclusive global market that fosters more prosperous societies.

BDO Castillo Miranda's Commitment to the United Nations Global Compact

Since May 30, 2014, Castillo Miranda and Co., S.C. has joined the United Nations Global Compact, assuming the commitment to work in favor of the implementation of the ten principles, which implies a continuous improvement in performance.

Letter of accession of BDO Castillo Miranda to the Global Compact, addressed to the General Secretary  of the United Nations, H.E. Ban Ki-moon, and signed by the Managing Partner of the Firm, C.P.C. Gabriel Llamas Monjardín:

Vew Letter in PDF

Letter for BDO Castillo Miranda’s contribution to Foundation for the Global ComCompact:

Vew Letter in PDF

Communication Report on Progress in Social Responsibility and Sustainability 2015

Vew Letter in PDF