Examination and Reviews for Special Purposes

Trust through various reports.

Examination and Reviews for Special Purposes

At BDO México we understand the wide variety of needs of our clients in the field of examinations and special reviews through the issuance of reports tending to give confidence to the assertions or affirmations made by the business administration.


The issuance of reports ranging from budget review and financial forecasts, the effectiveness of internal control or even those prepared through the application of procedures agreed with our clients, are made using the highest professional standards.


The technical know-how to conduct examinations and reviews based on existing regulations issued in Mexico and internationally, are the distinguishing feature of our collaborators.


Carlos Enrique Chárraga Sánchez

Audit and Assurance Partner
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Juan Martin Gudiño Casillas

Audit and Assurance Partner
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Luis Ignacio Zárate Gutiérrez

Audit and Assurance Partner
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